About Me

I like to call myself eccentric, while most people prefer crazy, but i firmly believe that it is necessary to be crazy to lead a colourful life

Saturday, March 11, 2006


dont know y i have turned to this blog today. and it always seems to be the case. i never seem to know y i am doing most of the stuff i am. and tht kind of sums up most of my life. tho this post is not meant to be philosophical. it is a chronicle( again....this blog seems so full of them....and cant think of anything else to write also.......guess i am just not creative enuf or just too damn selfish....whichever way its fine with me) of a very interesting two weeks of my life. interesting because things happened in these two weeks tht i do not experience everyday. now dont start getting any ideas. it is always bad to jump to conclusions before knowing all the facts. just a piece of advice. anyways getting back to the chronicle.
it begins on saturday the 25th of feb, 2006. i already have a very severe back ache because of all the excessive cricket in the past week. at arnd 6 30 i start shivering in the mumbai weather. i am definitely going mad. coming home i realise tht i have fever. big deal. my temperature reads 102 degrees. again big deal. i have a very severe headache. now problem. somehow headaches trouble me more than anything else in life. can live with anything but a headache. coming back....a bit of a problem but still well under control. parents dont know abt it. nothing tht a good nights sleep wont cure. next day morning.....temperature still 102.....headache worse. something is wrong with me. tell mom and dad. but cant go to doctor coz my doc takes a holiday on sundays. y dont illnesses follow a similar routine??????? sunday somehow passes.
monday morning...still the same fever and headache. only thing tht has gone down is the back ache coz of all the rest i had the 2 days. doc says its just a flu and nothing else. gives medicines. says will be all right in 2-3 days.
monday evening...temp reaches 103....headache scales new heights. mom concerned calls up doc for emergency medication to bring the temp down which makes me sweat like hell but brings the temp and headache down. i am relieved.
tuesday morning 4 am........temp comes close to 104. headache back to its heroics. shld have realised medicine was only a temporary relief. take tht medicine again. again sweat like hell. but able to sleep till morning.
tuesday afternoon.....temp crosses 104....a first in my life. headache more than anything i have ever been thru. emergency visit to the doc....nothing to worry dear, just the flu...will happen for a few days. be brave.
somehow i did not believe him. god knows y but i dint. got a blood test done on wednesday and voila!!!!!!!! it says i have typhoid. wonderful. a first in my life. the only major disease i have had before this has been chicken pox in standard 5 or 6 i dont even remember.
anyways now i have typhoid. tht means a good 2 weeks of rest and no food and liquids tht taste a lil better than shit(doesnt mean i have tasted it...just assumed shit tastes bad. anyone begging to differ can come forward with adequate proof).
but by now the few dozen medicines tht i have had start showing their effects. the fever is almost gone. 99 is obviously no fever compared to 104. the headache is down to acceptable levels. by saturday the fever has totally gone. so has the headache. but i still have to rest. and tht means no coll. not tht i am complaining. coll sucks as it is and i am happy to officially bunk coll. only cant do anything at home either. no comp. very little tv. only sleep. which is fine but after two days gets really boring. fortunately friends help. keep coming to give company in the evenings. special mention of you-know-who who is there for me all the time and is a great source of inspiration and comfort and everything. thank u (s)he-who-must-not-be-named.(all the references to harry potter coz i spent quite a nice time rereading hp6 which was quite fun.)
today is saturday the 11th of march. i have spent a full 2 weeks at home where my only trips out of the house have been to the doc. now i am almost perfectly back to normal and will rejoin coll on monday. not happy or excited abt goin to the coll. but happy tht ill get out of the house. tho with a huge lot of restrictions. no outside food. no extra curricular activity. go to coll attend lecs and come back home. in short do something tht i dont think i have done since the first day of engg. so looking forward to the first 2 days after which i am sure i will get bored again.
one note: did try to study in the later half of the vacation but know more abt Souten - the other woman starring mahima choudhary and some hopeless unfortunate fellow who has to bear her weight than any of my subjects.
in short.....if this can be called short......typhoid has been a good period coz i missed coll and a not so good period coz dint do anything else either. and dint eat anything also which is definitely bad. so the verdict is tht typhoid is not a good thing to have and as far as possible stay away from it.
but if u r really desperate to get a break then go for it. just avoid the first week which has been chronicled in detail above.