About Me

I like to call myself eccentric, while most people prefer crazy, but i firmly believe that it is necessary to be crazy to lead a colourful life

Friday, April 21, 2006


if the title does not make sense then i am at fault. coz only a very select few might be able to understand it. and one person will start making faces reading it.
anyways i am back. after exactly 20 days. life has been better since my last post where those who r not visiting this for the first time will know tht it has something to do with SFE. this post is not meant to convey anything. maybe it will by the time i am thru. if anyone reading this(hopefully) finds any central theme to this post then plz plz plz he/she/it can post a comment. tht way i will know wht my posts end up as and also gain a few comments on the way. not tht they make me happy or anything but feels nice to know tht there r ppl on this earth who read my blog and understand it.
anyways back to my last 20 days. lots of good things happened over the three weeks.
  1. i got over my no longer in SFE phase surprisingly quickly.
  2. started carrying a TIFFIN BOX and WATER BOTTLE to coll(the caps coz it is a rare phenomenon. blame it on my typhoid)
  3. fought with Neha.(had fun doing it)
  4. played on the comp
  5. spent my recesses(i am not sure thts correct english but who cares....i aint giving GRE) with classmates
  6. finished ALL my submissions(this one is so good ill write it again)
  7. finished ALL my submissions(one more time)
  8. finished ALL my submissions(thts enuf now)
  9. played on the comp
  10. fought with Neha(again had fun doing it)
  11. did them all by myself. absolutely no outsourcing (except for the flowcharts. thank rancy for tht)
  12. saw a studious side of you-know-who which was surprising and reassuring.(now theres less pressure on me to be a good sumthing)
  13. got my exam dates(one hell of a time table. thank u MU)
  14. got my viva dates also(they start from the 23rd. hell i gotta study.
  15. partied a little(courtesy Abhay Raina. everyone wish him a happy birthday)
  16. played on the comp
  17. will now start preparing for the exams(Oh God tht had to come up)
  18. still fighting with Neha.(and still enjoying it. i know i am a sadist)
  19. still playing on the comp
all in all a pretty good period. the lull before the storm. coz now starts my PREPARATORY LEAVE(i love my caps). and i am lookaing forward to this one. reason undeclared.
thts it for now. shall be back later with tales from the famed PL.

Saturday, April 1, 2006


Not a very apt title coz the chapter is not really over. there will still be some associatoins with it. but for all practical purposes it is true. The chapter is called SFE or Students forum for Electronics. A society tht i have been a part of since the last 2 yrs. a society i gave 2 yrs of my life to. in my second yr engg as a coordinator and in the third as a junior council member or more specifically a planning and management cell member. but now it has come to an end. the new senior council has been announced and i am not a part of it. something tht was fully expected and i knew there could be no other end to this story. and not tht i am heart broken or depressed. make no mistake this is no depressed soul pouring his heart out to an insensitive weeb page for his personal satisfaction. this is just a record of the feelings and emotions tht i went thru immediately after the announcement was made. after the probable became the actual. and i myself am surprised at my feelings. the announcement made it official tht i am no longer a part of the society tht was everything to me for most of my engg. i remember being the first member of SFE from my class in the 2nd yr, being the first person to hand over a SOP for being a coordinator and the joy i felt at actually being selected as one of them. had a wonderful second yr as a coord and an even better one as a JC. learnt loads. made lots of friends. loads of memories few of which r very special and will remain with me for quite a long time. but now it is over. as expected. but even then when the SC was being announced some little part in me hoped tht there wud be a miracle and i wud still be a part of this soc. but miracles happen in fantasies and this is reality. fine. accepted. but it still brought tears to my eyes. and i still cant figure out y. coz i knew i wudnt b a part of it. coz i had already accepted it and made plans to move on. it brot tears coz it means an end to a major portion of the very few things tht i enjoyed in VESIT. the meetings....the events...the preparations for the events....the celebrations after one....the scolding if something went wrong...the little meetings in the break....the planning as if it was a matter of life or death....and above all the ppl with me. i will miss all of them. probably thts y i cried.
maybe i will never know. maybe i dont want to.
now it has sunk in. i am no longer crying. and am looking forward to my fourth year. a year which will now be abt me. a year which will be spent with my friends, my games, my cricket, and of course you-know-who. a year which will be characterised by countless hours spent doing nothing...just the way i like it. this next yr will now b for me and my friends. there is nothing more left in VESIT except these 2 things. and my last yr for all of them. a promise to myself (promise no 12324543y6760794337 which again hopefully will not b broken) no extra curriculars this year. no praxis no utsav no sphurti. i will now enjoy being a spectator, a participant, a headache for the organisers and will hav fun.
tho the chapter is over, i still love SFE. my heartiest congratulations to those who made it. and all the best to them.
but as far as i am concerned it is the end of one of the most memorable periods of my life. thank u VESIT for giving me SFE. thank u SFE for having me.