40 dumb things NOT to do in Mumbai | CNNGo.com - www.cnngo.com
- Get into a Virar train if you are going to Borivali
- Buy 100 buck windcheaters from Churchgate, they are all the ones recycled by the Bhandiwalis
- Eat Bhel at Kailash Parbat
- Call a cop ‘Pandu’
- Argue with a Koli Fisherwoman
- Get a 11 rupee massage at Girgaum Chowpatty
- Bet against India in a game, Australia is the safest option
- Buy enhancement medicines from Van – Travelling Hakims who are the desi versions of the flying doctors
- Call up 26407383 Beanbags thinking it’s an escort service
- Avoid asking the Sandwich wallah on Dalal Street for market tips
- Stand in front of Amitabh/Shah Rukh/Salmaan’s house -- you look stupid and it's a waste of time
- Go to work when a Shiv Sena bandh is on
- Visit sleazy video parlours and get caught in a raid
- Get excited and start jumping when someone offers you Paanch ka Dollar, it’s just a tiny 5 rupee coin
- Go for a Shiv Sena rally in hope for a Free Vada Pav and Shiv Sena Banian
- Call a Maharastrian guy Bhaiya, no matter how respectful you meant it
- While commuting, don’t tease people defecating near the tracks, they throw stones back at the train
- Hang outside the train, poles might hit you before the crowds will
- Tease a Hijra
- Bribe a porter to grab a seat in V.T., chances are he might run off with your money
- Get conned at Fountain from guys selling cheap mobiles. They mesmerize and wrap soap bars
- Pronounce Sandhurst correctly, Sandas Rd makes more sense
- Donate money to the Crying Cab driver. He has conned thousands
- Invite Brass Polishwalas into your house
- Assume that booksellers in Fountain are dumb, they know their Pulitzers and Man Booker winners more than us
- Give 100 bucks to a conductor and expect him to give you change, he will sadistically torment you till the last stop
- Have lassi outside Dadar Station (west), they add Tissue Paper while preparing it
- Throw stones at monkeys in Borivali National Park
- Loiter around in Shivaji Park on Dec 6th
- Ask for a bargain at the Maharastrian Cloth store in Dadar
- Go for midnight mass at Mahim church thinking you can pick up girls
- Buy fire crackers from Essabhai, Crawford Market and travel in train
- Go to Mondegar and ask for a Jain Pav Bhaji
- Look straight and walk, We have open manholes
- Wear Brown Khakis shirts, People will mistake you for BMC staff
- Ask for Warranty & Guarantee from the Mallu Electronic stalls in Fountain area
- Search for the Kala Ghoda in Kala Ghoda
- Ask why statues in Mumbai have one finger pointed like umpires
- Apply Rai ka Tel on your head and travel by public transport
- Go to Haji Ali during high tides
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