About Me

I like to call myself eccentric, while most people prefer crazy, but i firmly believe that it is necessary to be crazy to lead a colourful life

Friday, October 25, 2013

Choice, they say! And then they think we say "Give me more"!!

I have a post graduate degree in marketing (okay diploma, but most people don’t know it) (Now you do!) so I understand the basic premise here. Still every time I see a commercial for yet another personal care product, I cannot help but admire the tenacity of this breed to come up with such a staggering array of seemingly beneficial but only designed to make you sadder products.
So in a sarcastic take (is it really sarcasm if I already tell you it is sarcastic?) on my own profession, I am attempting to make a well researched list of beauty products available in the Indian market today so that every Indian can make an informed choice. See how patriotic I am!!
(Disclaimer: I will not be revealing my sources for anything and am not guaranteeing any factual accuracy here. In any case, the chances of harm befalling you if you made your informed choice based on this possibly erroneous list is not much higher than if you had blindly picked one, so win-win for everybody
Also, this is by no means an exhaustive list but only an indicative one. No spoonfeeding, do your own research. I will be sticking mainly to popular brands or at best lesser known brands of well known corporate brands)
List 1: If you have hair

Already bored so stopping here for now. This should be enough choice for all living beings on earth with hair as per my opinion, but there are atleast 100 options more on my first source only. And that’s just shampoos. There are conditioners, softeners, colour products et al. Who knew hair could be the source of so much money!
And that’s just hair. Unfortunately for us humans, we have a face, skin, hands, legs, sensitive areas (!!) to also contend with. And more products in each of these ranges.  The series will continue. Feel free to add more options in shampoo in the comments. Will continue the series the next time I set to blog, which will definitely be before the end of this decade for sure. Adios